Updated: November 25, 2008
Knowledge sharing event on - How Does Serbia's Justice Sector Compare with European Countries?
November 25, 2008: Knowledge sharing event on "How Does Serbia's Justice Sector Compare with European Countries?"
Presenter: Dr. Pim Albers
Special Advisor, CEPEJ
Directorate General Human Rights and Legal Affairs
Council of Europe
Dr. Pim Albers will make a presentation based on the data from more than 40 countries, reflected in the October 2008 CEPEJ report. The presentation will be followed by a discussion featuring Serbia's Ministry of Justice, judiciary and development partners, such as the European Commission (Brussels and Belgrade).
This event is the first in a series of learning events targeted to Serbian policy makers from the executive, judiciary and legislature, to facilitate Serbia's EU integration process pertaining to the justice sector, supported by a Multi Donor Trust Fund for Justice Sector Support with contributions from Denmark, Norway, Slovenia, Spain, Switzerland and UK-DFID.
Please find the Powerpoint presentation attached in English and Serbian.