Calendar Updated: October 12, 2021
MDTF Activities > Efficiency of Serbian Public Prosecutors’ Offices

Efficiency of Serbian Public Prosecutors’ Offices

The MDTF-JSS team assessed the efficiency of the Serbian Public Prosecutors’ Offices in period 2014-2019. Improvement of prosecutors efficiency was among priorities of the 2013 National Judicial Reform Strategy and the Action plan for Chapter 23 as overarching policy document in the rule of law area. Adoption of Criminal Procedure Code and introduction of prosecutors led investigation were measures taken to improve efficiency of criminal proceedings. In addition, specialized departments for fight against corruption were established in 2018 with the aim to improve efficiency of prosecution of corruption cases. The methodology used in the assessment corresponds to the one used in 2014 Serbia Judicial Functional Review and Functional Review of the Prosecution System which were used as a baseline against which the progress was analyzed.