Calendar Updated: December 1, 2018
MDTF Activities > Increasing Transparency of Prosecutors’ Offices in Serbia - Web-Site Usage Training for Prosecutor’s Office Employees

Increasing Transparency of Prosecutors’ Offices in Serbia - Web-Site Usage Training for Prosecutor’s Office Employees

To MDTF-JSS Analysis of Prosecutor’s Offices Web Sites in the Republic of Serbia revealed that less than 20 percent of Prosecutor’s Offices has their web site. In addition, the existing websites do not have standardize layout and information package, which contributes to the lack of trust in prosecution system among citizens.

To address this challenge and increase online transparency  of Public Prosecutor’s Office in Serbia, the MDTF-JSS and State Prosecutor’s Council (SPC) in cooperation with Serbia Public Prosecutor’s Offices started project “Multi-Site System for all Public  Prosecutor’s Offices in Serbia”. As the end of result, this project will provide web locations and increase online presence for all Basic, Higher and Appellate Prosecutor’s Offices Serbia. All locations will contain general content, administrated centrally for all web locations and locally maintained content based on single prosecutor’s office inputs.

The project implementation along with system development and equipment procurement started in September, 2017. The official system launch is expected in early 2019 and all 87 Public Prosecutor’s Offices websites will be present on the internet. The MDTF-JSS team provided technical support in development of standardize content for the websites in line with the best European practice. The content will be presented in five key categories administrated locally and globally:

  • About Prosecutor’s Office – information about specific state authority – history, contact info, authority structure and organization
  • Information related to citizens and public  - news and announcements, ongoing projects, electronic bulletin board, links and FAQs
  • Documents - Laws and regulations, Information and guide books, forms and reports
  • Public Procurements and Job Offerings
  • Public Prosecutors Offices in Serbia – Directory of all Public Prosecutors Offices in Serbia with interactive map

As important part of this project and education process for system usage, 65 Serbia Public Prosecutor’s Office employees was successfully trained in the period between November 26 and November 29, 2018.  The training covered website content editing, methodology and technical aspects for all relevant website tools and procedures  that will be used on a daily basis on Serbia Prosecutor’s Office web sites.

In addition, the MDTF-JSS will provide support to the SPC to develop Guide for maintained of the website and ensure further standardization of the content, so that information provided on the website answer on the needs of public and media.