Calendar Updated: April 22, 2014
MDTF Activities > The Functional Review of the Serbian Justice Sector - Annex 1:Background Information on the Serbian Judiciary and Desk Review of Analytic Work on Justice Reform in Serbia

The Functional Review of the Serbian Justice Sector - Annex 1:Background Information on the Serbian Judiciary and Desk Review of Analytic Work on Justice Reform in Serbia

As part of the Functional Review of the Serbian Judiciary, the MDTF-JSS Team finalized two analytical reports which we are pleased to share with you:

1. Annex1: Background Information on the Serbian judiciary - This Annex provides some background on recent judicial reforms in Serbia, the current structure and governance arrangements, as well as some background on the relevant stakeholders in the judicial system. The document in English is available here and Serbian version is available here.

2. Desk Review of Analytic Work on Justice Reform in Serbia -  The Desk Review does not provide entire review of all analytcal work related to to the Serbian Judiciary. It is to serve as reference to existing and relevant analytical work that has recently been undertaken in relation to justice sector performance and related challenges, with a focus on the delivery of justice services by the courts.  The Desk Review identifies as many analytical works as possible and available at the time of drafting, catalogues and stores them taking stock of existing challenges, success stories and lessons learned from each. The Desk Review in English is avaialble here, and Serbian version is avalable here.