Calendar Updated: October 10, 2014
MDTF Activities > Presentation of the key findings form the Serbian Judicial Functional Review at the Annual Conference of Judges in Vrnjacka Banja, October 5-7, 2014

Presentation of the key findings form the Serbian Judicial Functional Review at the Annual Conference of Judges in Vrnjacka Banja, October 5-7, 2014

At the  request of the Supreme Court of Cassation, the MDTF-JSS presented key findings form the recently completed Serbia Judicial Functional Review. President of the Supreme Court of Cassation, Judge Milojevic, chaired the session and presentation was delivered by Mr. Srdjan Svircev, Public Sector Specialist at the World Bank. The presentation focused on key aspects of court performance in terms of the demand for judicial services, efficiency of judicial services, financial management in judiciary and human resource management in the courts.

The Serbia Judicial Functional Review was carried out in the period December 2013 – July 2014. The Functional Review provides analytical and advisory input to enable Serbian authorities to adjust their strategy framework in order to improve performance of the judicial system. The Functional Review will be used as a base for updating of the Action Plan for the opening negotiations under the Chapter 23. The Functional Review supports EU accession process by assessing the current functioning of the institutions of the broader judicial system in Serbia and outline options, recommendations and risks to inform Serbia’s ongoing and planned justice reform initiatives in view of EU.

The presentation was attended by Minster Selakovic, Ministry of Justice, court presidents, representatives from the OSCE, EU Delegation, USAID funded Separation of Powers Project and USIAD funded Judicial Reform and Government Accountability Project.

The presentation in Serbian is available here.