On October 21st, 2014 the Ministry of Justice convened the 7th Partner’s Forum to present the draft Action Plan for Chapter 23 as well as current and planned activities to justice sector officials and donor representatives. The Multi-Donor Trust Fund for Justice Sector Support (MDTF-JSS) in Serbia was kindly invited to present its work on the Judicial Functional Review.
Mr. Decker and Ms. Matic explained that the Functional Review recommendations feed into the Action Plan that the Serbian authorities would present in detail during the Partners Forum. They provide a detailed menu for Serbia and the EU to prioritize and agree upon, they align with specific items of the National Judicial Reform Strategy and outline who is responsible, indicating timelines synchronizing with those in the National Judicial Reform Strategy. For the MDTF-JSS, the next step will be to update its program framework to reflect Action Plan priorities.