To get feedback from judges and prosecutors on the Multi-Stakeholder Survey on perceptions on justice, MDTF team organized two workshops in April. On April 10 the MDTF team organized workshop in the Appellate Court in Novi Sad and on April 17 the presentation took place in the Appellate Court in Nis. These presentations are part of the MDTF plan to further disseminate survey results. The presentation in Novi Sad was attended by judges and prosecutors from Novi Sad, Zrenjanin, Backa Palnaka, Sombor, Subotica and Kikinda. The presentation in Nis was attended by representatives from courts and prosecutors’ offices in Nis, Prokuplje, Vranje, Leskovac, Aleskinac and Lebane.
Representatives of the judiciary had positive feedback on preliminary findings. It is important to note that none of the findings came as a surprise to them. Surveying providers and users of judicial services is a new approach to measurement of perceptions of justice in Serbia, however representatives of the judiciary expressed their willingness to participate in similar exercises in the future.
The first Multi-Stakeholder survey was done in 2010 and survey from 2013 is a follow-up to the original survey. The presentation of key findings from 2013 survey can be viewed here.