The World Bank organized a workshop in Sarajevo for financial management, disbursementand procurement staff from IBRD Loans and IDA Credits & Grants projects in the period April 15-19, 2013. A workshop was organized with purpose to present the PIU staff and PIU directors from countries in the region relevant WB procurement and financial management and disbursement procedures.
The representatives of MoJPA were Ms. Daliborka Grubic, PIU FM Specialist and Ljiljana Krejovic, PIU Procurement Specialist.
During joint Plenary Session which was held on April 15, 2013, WB staff covered following topics:
ECCU 4 portfolio analysis,
FM perspective,
Procurement cycle, planning and reviews,
General Disbursement Matters – Overview,
Environmental Safeguards Policies Overview,
The WB Policy on Access to Information, and
Fraud and corruption.
In the following days procurement sessions were separated from financial management and disbursement sessions.
PROCUREMENT TOPICS Tuesday, April 16, 2013
Procurement and Consultants Guidelines (old and new). Changes
Procurement Methods – Goods and Works
Procurement of Goods – Bidding Documents
Procurement of Works – Bidding Documents
PROCUREMENT TOPICS Wednesday, April 17, 2013
Pre-Qualification in Procurement of Works
Bid Evaluation – Procurement of Goods and Works
Procurement of Design, Supply & Install of Plants
Case Studies
PROCUREMENT TOPICS Thursday, April 18, 2013
Selection of Consultants
Evaluation of Proposals - Consultants Services
Contract Management and Administration in WB Projects
Procurement methods for goods, works and non-consulting services were presented in detail and explained, including explanation of main features of relevant bidding documents, determination of prequalification and postqualification criteria, preparation of specifications for goods, etc. Within the Selection & Employment of Consultants in Bank Financed Projects, number of various important topics has been also covered: conflict of interest and eligibility, quality of the services performance of consultants, etc. Special emphasis was given to new World Bank Guidelines (Procurement of Goods, Works and Non-Consulting Services and Selection and Employment of Consultants, both from January 2011) which has been found very useful since the MDTFJSS has been recently amended and introduced the applicability of these new Guidelines. The participants took an active part in number of case studies (public bid opening, packaging example, calculating of qualification requirements, evaluation process, and example of technical evaluation summary evaluation sheet and final evaluation sheet …) and discussed about various problems and issues related procurement. Finally, procurement implementation and oversight of some best practices and contract administration were presented and discussed, thus completing the idea of whole workshop.
Project Financial Management – During Preparation
Disbursement arrangements and methods (CTRLA):
Disbursement arrangements,
Disbursement methods
Project Financial Management – During Implementation
Contract management theory and practical part- practical example
Q&A and Wrap Up
Project Financial Management – Auditing & Annual Financial Statements
Advances, Special Commitments, Types of Supporting Documentation (CTRLA)
How to avoid delays in disbursements, Loan/Credit Closing issues (CTRLA)
Project Financial Management – Interim Un-audited Financial Reports (IFRs) and Using
IFRs for Disbursement
Project Financial Management – Governance, Corruption and Internal Controls
Client Connection, Introduction to e-Disbursement (CTRLA)
Practical example
Participants from different countries shared the best practices and exchange country experiences on aspects concerning finance management and improved efficiency on the World Bank Projects, and ways to improve performance in Finance management and administration. The meetings focused common problems and issues for all countries. It examined country experiences in finance management with a focus on best solutions and best practice. The workshop was closed with joint presentation of certificates. All the participants filled in the questionnaires related the workshop and noted possible improvements related future workshops organized by the WB.