2021 - Serbia Judical Functional Review
2021 - Serbia Judical Functional Review

The MDTF-JSS team finalized the 2021 Serbia Judicial Functional Review to measures progress against the 2014 Judicial Functional Review baseline and the 2019 Functional Review of the Prosecution System. The statistical data collection was completed in the first half of 2021, covering 2014-2020, while qualitative assessment is covering period from 2014 till June 2022. The preliminary findings and recommendations were discussed with stakeholders and development partners from February to April of 2022, while recommendations were finalized in the consultative process in October and November 2022. The aim of the 2021 Serbia Judicial Functional Review is to inform Serbia's EU accession negotiation process under Chapter 23 based on extensive evidence-based analysis. The Functional Review also presents an objective analysis of current sector performance. To enable comparison of the results, the methodology applied was the same as the one used in previous judicial functional reviews.

The documents are available here: