Box 25: Can the cost of inadequate office space be quantified?
The Pancevo Misdemeanor Court has been occupying an apartment in a residential building on a temporary basis since 1988. Because of the shortage of office space, the court’s 10 judges have to work in two shifts, with working hours set in compliance with the curfew provided by the municipal regulations. The second shift, which starts at 14:00, overlaps with the first shift, which ends at 15:30. During the 1.5 hours the court has no physical space for the visitors. A 1.5 hour downtime for 10 judges per day translates into the salary and benefits cost of 45 judge’s work days per month not counting overhead expenses.
The MOJ is responsible for the court system’s capital investments, while the HJC is responsible for
current maintenance. Within the MOJ, the Section for
Investments is responsible for the central government-
owned facilities used by both the courts and public
prosecution.710 The Section manages all capital investment
projects funded directly by the MOJ, and advises courts on
the design and implementation of technical investments
funded under their own budgets. According to the MOJ,
the Section for Investments will take over the HJC
responsibility for current maintenance of capital
investments in order to ensure coherence in facility
management. The MOJ believes it should retain the
responsibility for capital investment beyond 2016 as it is
cost-effective to share the same building by courts and
PPOS, and it is more effective to manage a building by one
institution. Some stakeholders express concern with this
option on the basis of financial independence, however,
several European justice systems allocate these functions
to their respective MOJ for similar reasons.