Box 24: Registry of Uncollected Fines
The Misdemeanor Courts are establishing a national registry for uncollected misdemeanor fines. Individuals with their names in the registry for non-payment of fines will be unable to receive certain common government services, such as renewing a vehicle registration. With the support of a USAID-funded Judicial Reform and Government Accountability Project, the final phase of the project will create a network through which each judge will be able to connect to the database. This modern registry could significantly improve fine collection rates in the Misdemeanor Courts.
Although court fee revenues do not provide the courts with additional resources, they nonetheless represent an attractive and more flexible funding source. The part of the court budget funded out of court fees is not subject to the economic classification of the state budget. The portion of the budget that is funded by court fees can therefore be reallocated during budget execution across line items to meet emerging needs, at the discretion of the HJC and MOJ. This provides courts and the judiciary with a discretionary pool of resources in an otherwise very rigid system.695