Objective, Scope & Structure
Overall Conclusions and Priorities
Summary with Recommendations
1. External Performance
1a. Efficiency in Justice
Service Delivery
1b. Quality of Services Delivered
1c. Access to Justice Services
2 Internal Performance
2a. Governance and Management
2b. Financial Management
2c. Human Resource Management
2d. ICT Management
2e. Infrastructure Management
External Performance Assessment
Demand for Justice Services
- Chapter Summary
a. Introduction
b. Overall Demand and Litigation Rate
c. Demand for Justice Services
by Court Type
d. Demographic Differences
in Demand
e. Caseloads per Judge
f. Workloads of Prosecutors
Efficiency in the Delivery of
Justice Services
- Chapter Summary
a. Production and Productivity
of Courts
b. Timeliness in Cases Processing
c. Effective Enforecement
d. Procedural Efficiency and
e. Gender Impact of Inefficiencies
in the Court System
f. Efficency in Delivery of
Administrative Services
Quality of Justice Services Delivered
Chapter Summary
a. Introduction
b. Quality off Laws and Law-Making
c. Quality of Administrative
Services within the Courts
d. Quality in Case Processing
e. Quality in Decision-Making
in Cases
f. Effectiveness of the Appeal
System in Ensuring
Quality of Decision-Making
g. Integrity in Justice Service Delivery
Access to Justice Services
- Chapter Summary
a. Introduction
b. Affordability of Justice Services
(Financial Access to Justice)
c. Access to Information
d. Access to Alternative
Dispute Resolution
e. Access to Allied
Professional Services
f. Geographic and Physical
Access to Justice Service
g. Equality of Access for Vulnerable Groups
Internal Performance Assessment
Governance and Management
- Chapter Summary
a. Governance and Management of
Justice Institutions
b. Structures and Powers of
Governance and Management Bodies
c. Effectiveness in Operational
d. Effectiveness in Resource
e. Effectiveness in Strategic
f. Effectiveness of Mechanisms to
Govern Integrity and Conflicts of
g. Effectiveness of Complaints and Discipline Processes
Financial Management
- Chapter Summary
- Overview of Expenditure
Management in the Judiciary
a. Effectiveness in Budget Formulation
b. Budget Levels and Sources
c. Budget Structure
d. Effectiveness in Budget Execution
e. Arrears
f. Financial Management Staffing
g. Financial Controls
h. Financial Reporting
Human Resource Management
- Chapter Summary
a. Introduction
b. Staffing Levels and Methodology
c. Recruitment, Evaluation and
Promotion of Judges and Prosecutors
d. Training
e. Salary and Benefit Structure for
Judges, Prosecutors, and Staff
f. Support Staff Planning and
g. Planning for the Future
h. Gender Equity in Employment in
the Serbian Judiciary
ICT Management
- Chapter Summary
a. Governance of ICT Planning and Investments
b. Effectiveness of Case Management
Information Systems
c. Effectiveness of Systems for Management Purposes
d. Effectiveness of Electronic
Exchange of Information
e. Availability of Databases and
Websites Support Judicial Functions
f. Quality of e-Justice to Support
Access to Court Users
g. ICT Staffing and Training
Infrastructure Management
- Chapter Summary
a. Analysis of Existing
Infrastructure Stock
b. Management of Judicial
Annex 1 - Methodology
Annex 2 - External Performance Matrix
Annex 3 - Internal Performance Matrix
Annex 4 - Access to Information
on Websites
Annex 5 - Access to Allied
Professional Services
Annex 6 - Complaints Relating
to Justice Service Delivery
Annex 7 - Law Faculty Curricula
Relevant to Justice Service Delivery
Annex 8 - Variation in the Roles
of Court Managers across Serbia
Annex 9 - Recommendations
Annex 10 - References
Site Map
Functional Review
Procurement & Vacancies
Results & Reporting
Objective, Scope & Structure
Overall Conclusions and Priorities
Summary with Recommendations
1. External Performance
1a. Efficiency in Justice
Service Delivery
1b. Quality of Services Delivered
1c. Access to Justice Services
2 Internal Performance
2a. Governance and Management
2b. Financial Management
2c. Human Resource Management
2d. ICT Management
2e. Infrastructure Management
External Performance Assessment
Demand for Justice Services
- Chapter Summary
a. Introduction
b. Overall Demand and Litigation Rate
c. Demand for Justice Services
by Court Type
d. Demographic Differences
in Demand
e. Caseloads per Judge
f. Workloads of Prosecutors
Efficiency in the Delivery of
Justice Services
- Chapter Summary
a. Production and Productivity
of Courts
b. Timeliness in Cases Processing
c. Effective Enforecement
d. Procedural Efficiency and
e. Gender Impact of Inefficiencies
in the Court System
f. Efficency in Delivery of
Administrative Services
Quality of Justice Services Delivered
Chapter Summary
a. Introduction
b. Quality off Laws and Law-Making
c. Quality of Administrative
Services within the Courts
d. Quality in Case Processing
e. Quality in Decision-Making
in Cases
f. Effectiveness of the Appeal
System in Ensuring
Quality of Decision-Making
g. Integrity in Justice Service Delivery
Access to Justice Services
- Chapter Summary
a. Introduction
b. Affordability of Justice Services
(Financial Access to Justice)
c. Access to Information
d. Access to Alternative
Dispute Resolution
e. Access to Allied
Professional Services
f. Geographic and Physical
Access to Justice Service
g. Equality of Access for Vulnerable Groups
Internal Performance Assessment
Governance and Management
- Chapter Summary
a. Governance and Management of
Justice Institutions
b. Structures and Powers of
Governance and Management Bodies
c. Effectiveness in Operational
d. Effectiveness in Resource
e. Effectiveness in Strategic
f. Effectiveness of Mechanisms to
Govern Integrity and Conflicts of
g. Effectiveness of Complaints and Discipline Processes
Financial Management
- Chapter Summary
- Overview of Expenditure
Management in the Judiciary
a. Effectiveness in Budget Formulation
b. Budget Levels and Sources
c. Budget Structure
d. Effectiveness in Budget Execution
e. Arrears
f. Financial Management Staffing
g. Financial Controls
h. Financial Reporting
Human Resource Management
- Chapter Summary
a. Introduction
b. Staffing Levels and Methodology
c. Recruitment, Evaluation and
Promotion of Judges and Prosecutors
d. Training
e. Salary and Benefit Structure for
Judges, Prosecutors, and Staff
f. Support Staff Planning and
g. Planning for the Future
h. Gender Equity in Employment in
the Serbian Judiciary
ICT Management
- Chapter Summary
a. Governance of ICT Planning and Investments
b. Effectiveness of Case Management
Information Systems
c. Effectiveness of Systems for Management Purposes
d. Effectiveness of Electronic
Exchange of Information
e. Availability of Databases and
Websites Support Judicial Functions
f. Quality of e-Justice to Support
Access to Court Users
g. ICT Staffing and Training
Infrastructure Management
- Chapter Summary
a. Analysis of Existing
Infrastructure Stock
b. Management of Judicial
Annex 1 - Methodology
Annex 2 - External Performance Matrix
Annex 3 - Internal Performance Matrix
Annex 4 - Access to Information
on Websites
Annex 5 - Access to Allied
Professional Services
Annex 6 - Complaints Relating
to Justice Service Delivery
Annex 7 - Law Faculty Curricula
Relevant to Justice Service Delivery
Annex 8 - Variation in the Roles
of Court Managers across Serbia
Annex 9 - Recommendations
Annex 10 - References
Serbia Justice Functional Review
Serbia Judical
Functional Review
a. Download PDF
b. Read Online
Annex 7 - Law Faculty Curricula Relevant to Justice Service Delivery