Workshop on implementation of the Action plan for the Chapter 23 and effective reporting
Workshop participants were informed about a set of important aspects with regard to forthcoming implementation of the AP Ch23. Primarily, the discussion focused on the results of initial data collection, performed by RAFU, during end of November and beginning of December. This ‘pilot’ reporting was performed for the purpose of provision of information to the COELA members regarding the implementation of the activities planned by IV quarter 2015. This process was very helpful for identification of potential issues that may be expected in the future reporting phase. Hence the workshop was mainly reporting-oriented, with an aim to support all representatives of responsible authorities to adequately and efficiently prepare relevant reports.
Participants were informed that all the technical instructions will be delivered after the workshop and will concurrently be available at the MoJ website (expecting upgrade in order to include a separate part on AP23 implementation). The need for mutual communication among the contact points in various institutions was emphasized (next workshop will particularly focus on this area). Single email address will be developed in order to simplify the reporting procedure for all stakeholders.
Participants were also informed that ‘story-telling’ forms of reporting or statements “activity is continuously performed” are not expedient in this process; rather it is necessary to focus on indicator-oriented reporting. Hence RAFU will develop a template for reporting in the following period which will be provided to all contact points per institution. That template will incorporate the initial reports already submitted by the institutions, so each institution will have solely one document which will be sequentially updated. Each reporting cycle will involve only the new information in the given period. Moreover, participants were kindly asked to avoid submission of scanned responses and reports, to pay attention at the fact that the official language of the negotiations is English i.e. it would be more efficient if the reports would be in English to avoid translation time. It was also noted that there are some institutions which have not provided any response in the initial phase.
With regard to reporting calendar, participants were informed that the reporting phases will be quarterly. For the purpose of timely reporting, the official letters will be sent to the institutions always on the 1st day of the last month and the deadline will be the 20th, in order to have sufficient time to prepare the final reports for submission, translate the documents if necessary or point out to any obstacles. Only the reports submitted by the final deadline shall be included in the cumulative report for the EC.
In the context of synchronized reporting, participants were also informed that efforts will be made to align the timing of these reports for AP23 with other similar reports the institutions are obliged to prepare (other AP23 related national strategies, action plans etc.).
Participants were further advised to use the following period to identify the status of certain activities – this is particularly relevant for larger institutions, where multiple sectors are involved in implementation. Stakeholders were also advised that in case they notice that certain due activities are not implemented, or respective officials are not willing to provide information, they should contact individuals at RAFU responsible for reporting on concrete subchapter in order to obtain information or speed up the process of implementation. Mutual communication among institutions was also emphasized in terms of reporting schedules, in case several institutions participate in implementation of concrete activities.
With regard to the few cases of institutional claims “this is not our jurisdiction”, participants were informed that drafting of the AP23 was a 2-year process, whereby all institution were able to provide comments or discuss the activities; hence it is no longer possible to change the responsible authorities.
Participants were additionally informed that contradictory reports of the institutions performing the same activity will be addressed at joint meeting, whereas in case no agreement is reached, both reports will be included in the cumulative report i.e. no substantial changes of the institutions reports will be made. Likewise, in case of gaps, mutual communication among institutions is of major importance (e.g. if one institution is responsible for amendments to the normative framework and the other for its implementation), in which cases both reports are relevant and shall be included in the cumulative report.
Visibility of implemented activities was also addressed, whereby it was noted that future workshops, round tables etc. organized as a part of AP23 should be made available to the public, relevant experts in the field, citizens. The Negotiating team will undertake similar visibility activities with Convent, and also invite contact points to joint meetings depending on the specific topics addressed.