Calendar Updated: September 20, 2017
MDTF Activities > Victim Support Services in Serbia Conference - September 19, 2017

Victim Support Services in Serbia Conference - September 19, 2017

Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Serbia and Multi-donor Trust Fund for Justice Sector Support in Serbia (MDTF – JSS) jointly organized an event on the importance of establishing victim support services in Serbia. Conference were held on September 19, 2017 in Metropol Palace Hotel. Opening remarks were given by World Bank Country Manager Mr. Stephen N. Ndegwa, Minister of Justice Ms Nela Kuburovic, H.E. Denis Keefe, UK Ambassador and H.E. Henk van den Dool, Netherlands Ambassador.

MDTF team presented the work that has been done up to date and facilitated discussion on the next steps. Map of existing victims services in Serbia was presented, as well as what needs to be done to ensure that all victims of all crimes at the entire territory of the Republic of Serbia can access such services. Based on the analysis interactive map of victim support services has been developed. The Map is available on the

In addition, funding mechanisms and possible sources of income for future victims support system were discussed, as well as mechanism for coordination of victim support network. Representatives of victim support organizations from Finland, France and UK presented their experience in funding of victim support services and challenges in coordination of network. Presented recommendations are based on the best European practice and they are adapted to Serbian context

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Media Coverage


Newspaper Reporter: “The support for crime victims through the network of services at the national level”

N1 TV: “Chapter 23 implies support for crime victims” “The support for crime victims through the network of services” “The support for crime victims through the network of services” “The strategic framework for victim support soon”

Kuburovic: Support for Protection of Victims of Crime

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