The MTDF JSS team in cooperation with Victims support Europe prepared detailed Analysis of legislation, policy documents and practice guidelines relevant to the responsibilities of Serbian police when dealing with victims of crime. Police is often first contact of victim with the state institutions. The Analysis includes an in-depth analysis of police responsibilities related to victims of crime. Particular attention is paid to compliance of legislation, policy and guidance documents, and practices of police forces across Serbia with the EU Victims’ Rights Directive (2012/29/EU). The study is focused on described responsibilities of police officers towards victims of crime, analysed against the backdrop of the EU Victims’ Rights Directive. The Analysis has in focus provisions of the Law on Police and Criminal Procedure Code and relevant bylaws.
The report aims to unveil the gaps and opportunities of legislative, policy and practice guidelines in complying with the EU Victims’ Rights Directive and responding to victims’ needs. It provides recommendations for improvements to legislation, policy documents and practice guidelines. The Analysis will serve as baseline for harmonization of Serbian legislation with EU acquis.
The full text of the Report is available here.