The MDTF JSS continue to provide support to Serbian authorities in order to establish comprehensive victim support service. The latest activity is related to the mapping of the existing victim support services in Serbia. The mapping is looking at generic and specialist services and organisations specifically focused on victims of crime. The mapping exercise includes both state as non-state actors providing victim support as both take up an important role in Serbia. The organisations are identified through survey, interviews and enquiries with stakeholders throughout the country.
The MDTF JSS in cooperation with the Victim Support Europe (VSE) and the Victimology Society of Serbia (Viktimolosko Drustvo Srbije, VDS) hosted on 30 March 2017 a workshop with the participation of several victim support organisations and victim support services from different regions in Serbia. The workshop was organised following a national survey of victim support services. The objective of this exorcize is to identify victim support organisations in all provinces of Serbia irrelevant of the scope of the organisation (general vs. specialised, number of victims reached).
National survey was conducted in period between February and- March 2017 and more that than 80 organisations and institutions, all of which are providing different types of support for victims of crimes support providers, participated therein. Results of the survey will be published in May 2017 and serve as a basis for the creation of an interactive online map which will help victims safely obtain accurate information and request appropriate assistance.
Results of the mapping of existing victim support survey will also serve to Serbian authorities in development of Victim Support Strategy.