Calendar Updated: June 13, 2017
MDTF Activities > 3rd Global Forum for Associations of Prosecutors, Belgrade May 25-28

3rd Global Forum for Associations of Prosecutors, Belgrade May 25-28

Prosecutors Association of Serbia was hosting 3rd Global Forum for Associations of Prosecutors in Belgrade from May 25-28, 2017. This conference was supported by the Multi Donor Trust Fund for Justice Sector Support (MDTF-JSS) administered by the World Bank and the OSCE Mission to Serbia. Topic of the conference was Accountability and Ethical standards in prosecution service.

The main goal of the 3rd Global Forum for Associations of Prosecutors was to identify how Associations of Prosecutors can contribute most effectively to the strengthening of prosecutors' accountability and the implementation of ethical standards of prosecution service. The goal is directly related to goal of Chapter 23 AP - Increasing of accountability of the judiciary.

The 3rd Global Forum was dedicated to the discussion of experience related to the Accountability and Ethical standards. Prosecutors from Serbia had the opportunity to learn about the best practices and challenges in implementation of ethical standards. The conference allowed exchange of practice and experiences from other countries regarding the prosecutors accountability, inter alia, in field of accountability in media and in resource management (human and financial resources). Among public prosecutors from various countries, who shared their experiencies and best practice in field of accountability, speakers were WB consultants that made presentations in order to raise awareness among Serbian and other prosecutors about importance of  resource management politics and strategic planning. This was very important event for the future discussion of prosecutors’ association role. Outcome of Forum is widespread professional consensus about prosecutors’ accountability which should be implied and represented in Model principles of prosecutors’ accountability.
The conference gathered some 100 representatives of prosecutors’ associations from Austria, Brazil, Canada, Denmark, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, the Netherlands, Portugal, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Poland and Serbia. Significant numbers of participants were Serbian prosecutors and deputy of public prosecutors.
The two-day conference also served as an opportunity to enhance the on-going process of law and justice reform in Serbia through a comprehensive exchange of information and sharing of good practices.
The presentations are available here.