Updated: October 17, 2016
On 29th and 30th of September 2016 at premises of the Supreme Court of Cassation in Belgrade, in cooperation with the Supreme Court of Cassation and the Ministry of Justice, also with support of the World Bank, the Judicial Academy organized a two-day round table for court presidents.
Participants at the round table were the Supreme Court of Cassation President, presidents of all four appellate courts, of the Commercial Appellate Court, the Administrative Court and of the Misdemeanor Appellate Court with their assistants.
Lecturers at the round table were:
Drаgоmir Мilојеvić, the Supreme Court of Cassation President
Slаvicа Јеlаčа, Assistant to the Minister of Justice, Sector for material-financial operations
Snеžаnа Аndrејеvić, the Supreme Court of Cassation judge
Bilјаnа Rаkić, the Supreme Court of Cassation assistant
Мilеnа Lаkić, the High Court Council, Head of the Department for budget and analytical operations
Мirјаnа Gоlubоvić, President of the PR section for the Republic of Serbia courts
The Program in Serbian is available