Calendar Updated: December 17, 2011
MDTF Activities > 5th meeting of the Partners Forum

5th meeting of the Partners Forum

The 5th Partners Forum, organized by the Ministry of Justice, took place on November 30, 2010. The purpose of this meeting was to present key findings from the baseline survey on Court and Prosecutorial performance in the Republic of Serbia.

In order to provide input to the design of the next phase of justice sector reform in Serbia, the World Bank contracted IPSOS Strategic Marketing to undertake a collection of baseline information on Court and Prosecutorial performance in Serbia. This activity has been closely coordinated with Ministry of Justice, High Judicial Council and State Prosecutorial Council. The results of this survey will provide sufficient information for the future policy reforms which are expected to facilitate Serbia’s accession to the EU and improve the performance of justice sector services to Serbian citizens.

The meeting was co-hosted by Mr. Slobodan Bosković, Assistant Minister for EU Integration and International Projects, and Mr. Jens Kristensen, MDTF-JSS Task Team Leader.

Ms. Svetlana Logar and Mr. Srdjan Bogosavljevic from IPSOS Strategic Marketing presented results to the group on key local and international partners.

A video recording of the Partners forum is available on the following links:

Opening remarks:

Presentation of key findings:


IPSOS presentation is available on the following link.