Updated: July 8, 2010
4th Meeting of the Partners Forum
The 4th Partners Forum, organized by the Ministry of Justice, took place on July 8, 2011. The purpose of this meeting was to discuss priorities of the Ministry of Justice in the incoming period, present MDTF-JSS Annual Report and get an update from EU delegation in Serbia on IPA priorities for 2011.
EU decided to shift its assistance through IPA funds to sector wide approach and Mr. Ferenc Simon, Chief of Operations, provided more information on what it means in the context of support to the reform of Serbiaj judiciary. He also reflected to the key findings from the Multi-annual Indicative Planning Document 2011-2013 and what will be the main sectors for EU support in this period.
The meeting was co-hosted by Mr. Slobodan Bosković, Assistant Minister for EU Integration and International Projects, and Mr. Srdjan Svircev, MDTF-JSS Coordinator.
The Multi-annual Indicative Planning Document is available on this